The Proven Easy Effective Way to Do More While Doing Less
Be the productive best way to take care of yourself while also increasing your productivity by finding ways to do more while doing less.
The key to success is a productive output of work. This is often rewarded in almost every industry. But, the best way to take care of yourself while increasing your productivity is by finding ways to do more while doing less. Because you deserve it.
One way of doing more by doing less is preparation and planning. I go into detail about how to plan this in this article.
In other ways, it's about finding the easiest and quickest way to do something. Remember that old phrase? "Work harder, not smarter."
It can apply to everything.
Mattress Movers
Think of moving a mattress.
When you get a new mattress, you must eliminate the older one. One way to do that is to carry it down yourself or with two people. At the same time, you could also let gravity do all the hard work.
Let the mattress slide down the bottom of the stairs before returning it to its final destination.
Therein lies one example of doing more by doing less. Working smarter and not harder.
Rethinking How Your Work
Using the mattress example as a guide, rethink everything you do daily. And try to think about how can you make this easier on yourself. Or do you need to do "x"? What if you can skip the "x" for the "y?"
Email Template Example
In my line of work, I sometimes have to write the same email every week or every month. To help reduce the redundancy and level of effort, I use apps like Spark, which allow me to create email templates. All I have to do is choose the appropriate email template, make a few changes based on the date, and voila, I'm done!
Promotional Video from Spark about Email Templates
When we apply the concept of doing more by doing less, we allow ourselves more time to do more things and give ourselves a break.
Being efficient doesn't always mean you should immediately then be doing more. That can lead down a road wherein you can either burn out or allow yourself to be taken advantage of at your job.
There are times to work above and beyond, and there are times to say "no." You should never be afraid to say "no." If saying "no" is not something others can accept, the problem is not you but others.
Do more by doing less, and take care to share the rest.